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17.01.2012 Von: Stefan Schumacher
Kategorie: Vom Cyber-Kriege, Ringvorlesung BSH-MIS, Cyber Security

Vortragsankündigung: Who's snitching my milk? Nonlinear dynamics/analysis of vanishing bovine products in an office environment.

Who's snitching my Milk?

Who's snitching my Milk?

Am 17. Januar wird André Franz vom Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme den Vortrag "Who's snitching my milk? Nonlinear dynamics/analysis of vanishing bovine products in an office environment." halten. 


(Der Vortrag wird auf deutsch gehalten, die Folien sind in englisch.)


Therefore, in this talk we will present experiments and the experimental setup to determine the volatility of milk in tea kitchens and possible causes. The experimental setup consists of a device for determining the amount of vanished milk (DDAVM), a device for counting fridge door openings (DCFDO) and a device for measuring the consumed electrical energy (DMCEE). The light diode based DCFDO is hidden in a regular yoghurt cup.


Additional to these measurements we will present some model canditates which are based on plausible psychological behavior of the employees. With innovative model discrimination techniques, model candidates are falsified by suggesting model-based experimental designs. With these experiments and mathematical models we strongly believe to contribute to a better understanding of vanishing bovine products in office environments.


This can help to predict the present state of milk in refrigerators, which leads to a more efficient milk consumption. Further, deep insights into social-psycological interplays between colleagues may be extrapolated to generic properties of different societies. The snitching milk consumption curve may also hint, which kind of social system (e.g. communism, socialism, capitalism), people belong to.  


Der Vortrag findet wie immer im Raum 110 in Gebäude 10 statt und beginnt um 19:00 Uhr. Weitere Informationen gibt es auf der Veranstaltungsseite